Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Last night I went the party of a good friend whom I have known since 1999. He has this party every year, everyone attends, it is a good time. Like always, Aaron and I went. Nothing unusual there.
Well, there were a couple women there that I had never met before. Someone had to know them, so they were friends of some of my friends somehow. At first I thought nothing of it, it is not unusual for there to be new faces at parties. We're a friendly bunch of people and new people are always welcome.
One of them was definitely on the prowl... hey more power to her. She didn't mess with my husband so I am not concerned. What people do is their thing, I usually don't really bother myself with it. In my younger years I was a little judgemental and I have tried to get over that. I am happy to say I have done very well with it.
However... there was this one woman whose actions were appalling. OK, she may be a nice woman, she may have good qualities... but at this point I don't even care. She conducted herself like a common slut. She was DYING for any... ANY male attention she could get. I saw her leave the party a couple times with a guy and come back a while later, tousled hair and the back of her shirt dirty and crumpled. She had the nerve to look ashamed. Bitch, if you're ashamed of what you're doing... DON'T DO IT. Or at least be a little more inconspicuous!
Not 10 minutes after she came back the SECOND time from leaving the party to get hers, I saw her lift her shirt for two more guys. Now she had double the attention, at once. Are you KIDDING me?! I was sitting in eyeshot of it all and I obviously got up and walked away.
Now if some of you are saying, "if you're not concerned with what other people are doing, why did you know when she left? etc. etc." There are two reasons for this. 1. It was not a huge party. After a few hours of being there and looking at people you can tell when people are missing. 2. After a while it became a source of entertainment for Autumn and I... watching stupid people act stupid is fun. We made a drinking game out of it. When someone acted a fool in front of us we clinked our glasses and took a drink. No exaggeration we went through 2 fifths of Malibu. LOL!!!
Now, if someone I know was acting like this it would be a different too. Is that a double standard? Maybe. But I don't care, my friends are more like family to me... pretty much no matter what they do I am going to accept them and love them as they are. Plus, they would be among friends that they know they could trust. Sure, it would probably not be in their better judgement to do it, but whatever. At least it is not a room full of complete strangers doing all this to/with them.
I don't blame a girl/guy for having sex. If you want to have sex, do it. We're all adults here. It's a natural thing to want to do. But if it comes to a point that you're embarrassed by your own actions, maybe you need to do a little self-reflection and make some life changes. Or maybe take a brush with you to your next romp in the hay in a back yard or car. LOL
People wonder why there is a pornographic industry that dehumanizes/objectifies women... because there are dumbasses out there who will let them! Like this one!
OK, I am done now. I have exercised the demons!


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Exorcised. You have exorcised the demons, dear.

Yeah, I wrote about a porn star a few weeks ago, Sasha Grey. She is what I like to call empowered. She knows exactly what she is doing, and is not ashamed of her job.

She screws on camera for a living, and is able to look you in the eye and tell you as such.

Any ways, it's a fine line between exploitation and exhibition. Apparently, your particular sluts weren't confident, and thought the only way they could acquire male attention would be to demean themselves.

That's sad.

Andrea said...

Hey, no one said I was a perfect speller.

kimberkara said...

Now I wanna know - which one?

Everyone should get laid at that party. Sadie was conceived that night 2 years ago lol.

I wonder why someone would fuck around if they felt bad about it. Maybe you were projecting a bit?

Anonymous said...

WTF, You mean to tell me I could have been getting drunk off of ice tea or coke and drinking with you watching a whore prance around a party.... Damn it! Ah well... my feet were so big that i could barely walk to my bathroom :( sorry I didn't come hang out. Ugh...

Andrea said...

She was all sheepish and had her head hung low... she looked at the least embarassed to me. There were a couple other things that happened that I didn't explain in my blog... No projection needed there! I will tell you know I am talking about at trivia.
And when Autumn said something to her about her hair being all fucked up she sure did get defensive! LOL