Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The things people say...

Today I was at work taking a well needed rest because I had been on my feet since I got there at 6:45, and it was about 10:45AM. Usually we are slow but I had a patient getting a blood transfusion and I am super cautious when I give blood, so it took a lot of my time.
I was saying how yesterday I worked all day, came home and fed the dogs, went to the post office, spent an hour at Wal-Mart, came home, put the groceries away, cooked dinner and did dishes. I was going from about 6:30AM-6:30PM. In addition to having had a busy day, I am 22 weeks pregnant. I was tired!
I was saying this in our work area where several co-workers were, and one my co-workers informed me that "If you did what I do, you wouldn't be able to handle it." This is the same one who kept informing me in the beginning of my pregnancy that "it was going to be a long pregnancy" and rolling her eyes in disgust at me because I was tired. I have held my tongue for long enough. I am getting pissed now. So I told her that "Well, I guess it's just because I am not as cool as you." A nursing student laughed, and she said "Well, it's not that...I just live in the country, and blah blah blah" and I said "Yeah well that's why I don't live in the country. I don't DO outside." She is usually a nice lady but has no problem saying whats on her mind, and sometimes I think she says it before her mind has a chance to censor it. I think she could tell that she pissed me off, because the rest of the day she was ridiculously nice to me. Well I'm not trying to be a bitch, but you kinda put me in this position in the first place. If I am made to feel the need to defend myself, damnit I am going to! So I did!
Not even a half hour later, I was trying to squeeze my pregnant (and fat) ass in between a woman's (who I really do like) chair and a counter so I can get to the fridge and get another patient of mine some crackers. I said "Oh wow, this belly is taking up a lot of room." She found it necessary to tell me that "Well, you took up a lot of room before..." Really. You said that, huh. OK. Let it be known I NEVER EVER EVER make sure to tell people I know (or don't for that matter) that they are fat. Because I am no longer 6 years old, and that part of my brain that recognizes "rude things to say" and "polite things to say" developed. (Saying this reminds me of the time my Mom and Dad took my brother and me to Old Country Buffet and Brent said, pointing "Hey look at that BIG FAT GUY!!!" Yeah, I don't do that. But I digress...)
Later, when I was in the staff lounge at about 1:00PM eating lunch, our housekeeper and I were talking and she was giving me her point of view on how some people treat her as if she is inferior because she is a housekeeper, and that this is one of the reasons why she is going to school... so she doesn't have to clean up after people like that anymore. I have never treat her like that, we get along well, and I don't understand why someone would be like that. But anyhow... toward the end of the conversation she said to me "Well you and I are the two most imperfect people here, so you understand what I mean..." or something to that effect. I smile and say some socially acceptable response like "Uh-huh" or something like that... but on the inside I am thinking WTF do you people think I AM??!?!?!!! I never realized people had such shitty opinions about me! Before today I didn't realize I am seen as a lazy, fat leper! How funny, I had no idea. All this time I thought I was fucking fabulous... only to find out that indeed I am seen as the opposite of this. OH MY GOD I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.
Oh, AND in the 5 months and 11 days I have lived here I have now been pulled over twice and got a parking ticket for blocking the sidewalk in the front of my house, which was written at 1:45 IN THE MORNING. I need to get back to Detroit, where there is real shit going on and no one cares if I am going 38 in a 30, even though I am approximately 500 feet ahead of the sign that says SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH. By the way, the cop that pulled me over pulled a U turn on the street, he was previously going about 35 mph himself, all just to give me a written warning and inform me of where EXACTLY the speed limit turns from 30 to 35. Seriously? Really? We live in a town where there are DEFINITELY illegal aliens, drug dealers (being so close to the border, of course it's ALL OVER) and KNOWN murderers (from what I am told) and you want to pull over a pregnant nurse on her way to work at 6:45 in the morning TWICE within about 3 months AND ticket me. OK, it all makes sense now. I am a threat to society. With my border patrol husband, my frightening self, and our paid on time bills, I am dangerous. Well, I MUST be since they are so concerned with me and not with the other criminals in town. Hey at least I know. :/
Well, having said that I am going to get ready for bed. I have a busy day of threatening the well-being of all in my town while I drive to work tomorrow and tormenting my co-workers with my lazy, fat hideous self. I need to get out of here.


kimberkara said...

The speed limit was 25 in the center of town in Franklin, MA and you better by god not go faster than that or 2 TWO I say cars would pull you over and do whatever they could. In that case there was no real crime in the area so they got all worked up over speeding infractions. I didn't mind too much just because of that reason. No crime = I never had a car stereo stolen out of my FRICKEN car.
Anyway - we had drug dealers too - I mean people do drugs, even otherwise law abiding people so someone had to supply it. I don't know what my point here is.
You are likely being a TAD over sensitive. DO you have friends there at work? I mean are y'all friendly? Do they treat you like shit for real? If so then by all means slash soome tires. That was always my go to solution when I was pregnant.

Andrea said...

I agree that I tend to be overly sensitive, but how else am I supposed to take those comments? Usually we are all nice to each other and get along rather well. But if 95% of the time people treat me nice but they reserve the other 5% of the time to tell me I am a fat/lazy/fill-n-the-blank bastard, I don't like it and I don't want to play that game. Either be a dick or a nice person, don't be both!