Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I want to moderate a Presidential Debate....

This is why.
I have heard of different debates/Q&A sessions that have taken place with McCain and Obama. I heard one was a religious group which would totally have McCain's back, and then tomorrow I heard there is one by a person called Gwen Ifill, who is writing a book called "The Breaktrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama". It is due to come out on January 20, 2009. Now we can all tell who this next debate will be favoring.
I think that is BS!!! Debates should favor neither party. It should favor trying to answer American's question of who is best to run our country for the next 4 years.

Here is my solution:
Get someone who has no real affiliation with either party. A NORMAL, AVERAGE AMERICAN. Since it is my damn idea, me. I want to do it. I for the life of me can't decide who to vote for. And, I am sick of hearing people say "Well, DUH... the choice is obvious..." because NO it isn't. I am a self-proclaimed moderate. I see both points of view of both parties but am not committed to either one.
I think it is safe to say we are all TERRIFIED to have another Bush-like president. That makes me not want to vote for McCain. But having said that, I do not like Obama's view on nuclear warfare, well maybe I do now, but at one point, before the likely flip-flop... (probably when he was being honest...) I didn't agree.

So, here's the plan:
A simple stage, 2 podiums, the moderator (ME) and every American TV station who cares to be there. But, as much as I hate to say it, MTV and VH1 must be there. If we want people to vote, we have to think of the demographics and lifestyles of many voters. We want everyone to vote, but isn't it just a little bit scary to think of the average 20 year old (clueless) American voting? I want everyone to vote, because it is our right to vote. However, almost more importantly, I want people to be informed voters. This election is important!!! May the best man win because a knowledgeable country elected them!
There is more to my plan. I want no questions submitted by any special interest groups, or by either party. In fact, I want no questions submitted period. Any question I am going to ask them is going to come from my own head. Not even questions from the audience, who could be a radical right or left wing nut, thus possibly foiling my attempt at having a NON-BIASED debate.

Questions will begin with: please identify your religious beliefs/affiliations. I say that ONLY because a lot of people think Obama is a Muslim, which he is not. No this is not to sway people away from one candidate or toward another, but only to educate the American people. Some people I KNOW will not vote for a Muslim person at this time due to the way the world is. I want to give both parties a fair chance.
After that, I want to say to each person "Mr. McCain/Obama, what is your stance on:"
Drilling for oil on American Soil
the American Economy (and what do you plan to do about it)
the Foreclosure Crisis (and what do you plan to do about it)
Gas Prices (and what do you plan to do about it)
Health Insurance
The war in Iraq
Stem Cell Research
the Banking Crisis/$700B
Social Security
College Funding for Students
AIDS Epidemic
World Hunger (and what do you plan to do about it)

OK so since I am an average American I am willing to take suggestions on questions. But that's it. I am bound to be forgetting some issue that is undoubtedly important.

Here are the rules of the debate:
1. Each candidate will have 2 minutes to answer each question.
2. If the candidate starts talking in circles trying to avoid the question, he will get The Gong. and be asked to please cut the bullshit out of his repertoire.
3. Instead of commercial breaks there will be guest appearances by musicians, comedians, celebrities, all doing it for FREE. Out of the goodness of their heart for t he American people. No payments from either party. This will keep the attention span of the American People. Instead of saying "change that horse shit Bobby!!!!" they'll be saying, "OK, well I will watch it until I see Katy Perry, then I will change the channel." At least this way there is a shot at educating the population. And sure, there will be the assholes who just TiVo it and skip the debate part. Chances are those people won't be voting anyway.
4. There will be no funding from anyone except from McCain and Obama. They must split the costs for the studio and for the employees doing the audio-visual everything. All the guests will be there on their own free will, no need to pay them. Since I am an average American and therefore have no money falling out of my ass, they'll have to fly me out to where ever it is and my hotel. I don't need any extra payment though. Talk about taking one for the team.

So there is my solution to the debate BS.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know much about this stuff. Really I don't know much about much. My "novel" idea of how my debate will be (funding at least) may actually be how all of them are. I indeed know I may look like a total ignorant asshole. I am cool with that. Feel free to leave me comments telling me that if you like. But just a heads up, I'm not going to feel dumb about it. So don't try to talk down to me and have that "I'm smarter than you" attitude about it. It won't get you anywhere except maybe in my next blog entitled "Why (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) is an Asshole."

1 comment:

kimberkara said...

Did you take the fact that they don't answer honestly into consideration?
It doesn't matter who asks the questions, or what the question is. They use the debates as a platform to try to charm us in to thinking they are the best man, as if we are idiots and can't see what they are doing.
I would like to see them hooked up to lie detector tests, and if they lie they get zapped. if they evade the question, double zap. I don't want to do it, I want to sit back and enjoy it at a bar, where we will make a drinking game out of it!