Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Convince me!

There is less than one month until Election Day.... and I STILL don't know who to vote for.
If they would let me do my debate it would be perfect. But since I doubt it is going to happen... if any of you are die hard Obama/McCain supporters, respond to this blog and tell me why you're voting the way you are. Maybe it will sway me one way or another. And no responses like "I am voting for Obama because McCain is old," or "I am voting for McCain because Obama is a douchebag,", I want REAL reasons.
OK cool.


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Real reasons, eh?

1: Both Corporate parties do not care about change in any substantive manner, only power. Example: in 2006 Congress became Democratic again. Have you heard any reason as to why Afghanistan is being ignored and our troops are still mostly in Iraq by any Democrat that does not involve blaming President Bush?

2: Voting for either of these men means that you on some part agree that basic fiscal discipline is simply unimportant. Neither candidate has even bothered to lie to us about balancing the budget. Neither candidate is willing to admit to substantive changes in their planned programs because of the bail-out.

3: Simply put, due to eight years of reckless fiscal idiocy and laissez-faire economic policies, your taxes are going to go up, and your services are going to be reduced. No matter who wins.

4: Any asshole that tells you that a vote for a third party candidate is a "waste" or will let the "worse guy win" is wrong. Voting is never a waste, and the two candidates are the fucking same.

Find a third party candidate that speaks to your issues, and vote for that person. Hell, don't even vote for the presidential candidates if you can't find a fit. There are plenty of other issues and candidates that are closer to you that are realistically more important than which face of the Republicrat coin is in office for the next four years.

kimberkara said...

Actually "McCain is old" is valid if Palin scared the crap out of you.

McCain is old.


cassdawn said...

congratulations on what?

cassdawn said...

will no one tell me what i already know

Andrea said...

Hee hee....
I got a new job!
I will blog about it when I get to work tonight.

Tracendo said...

I agree that both parties have screwed this nation up- and the two running were most certainly involved in that mix.

Remember- Congress passes the laws, the lovely checks and balances system. So even if the candidate hates cows or whatever they still have to get congress to pass it.

The decision making at the level as a President is something I would never want. My head would explode if I knew all the crap that they knew...That's why we vote. Our vote is putting trust in that person to make the best decisions with the information I had. I try really hard to not to criticize presidential decisions because I don't have that information.

I'm voting McCain because anyone who voluntarily gets the literal sh*t kicked out of them for 5 years for their country obviously has a love it. I tear up every time I hear about what went on over there and what still goes on everyday. Will I like everything he does? Most certainly not. But I feel he has the most respect and love of our country of any other in this election. Hopefully that is enough to drive him to make the right decisions with the head exploding information.

Unknown said...

I have been in the same boat as you - Tim and his family are die hard Republicans and my family is more democratic. To tell you the truth - I never understood fully what the differences were.

I went to a conference a week ago and listened to Bob McEwen, who is a former US Congressman, and it kind of opened my eyes. I do still think he spoke the way he did because he is obviously a republican but it did provide helpful facts that made my decision clearer.

I also listened to Glenn Beck, the third most listened to Radio talk Show host, who has put out a DVD titled, Unelectable. It was hilarious but had a ton of truth to it! It made a ton of sense and now I do know who I am voting for...check out the DVD and check out Bob McEwen on you tube (search Bob McEwen and then look for the videos -3 I think - on Politics Easy as PIE). It just gives you a new outlook I think...

Hope this helps...Also, congrats on the new job! I have looked into doing something like that myself. I miss the crew on 6 Mott though! Keep in touch though!