Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can the election be F*CKING over now, please?

I am sick of the commercials with the scary voices saying shit like, "Can America take another 4 years?" or whatever. Don't the candidates know we MAKE FUN of those commercials and they sway virtually (I assume, if not completely) NO ONE? Or are they so far removed from the people they are supposed to represent that they can't grasp normal American living?
I don't want to watch a debate. I don't want to listen to people who, in reality, probably don't give two shits about us, preach from their podiums about how they are the answer to all our problems. It is going to take MORE THAN ONE MAN to fix Americans' problems! It is also going to take more than 4 years to fix them.

*Let me say now that before you read any further, I am the first one to admit I don't know much about politics. Me writing this does not mean I want to get in a pissing match with anyone! I am not arguing that I know more or better than anyone else, just voicing my own frustrations. Please feel free to respond, but I don't want to argue...*

After reading more about candidates from other parties, I think they suck too, one in particular whose views actually contradict the Bill of Rights! Seriously? Sure, if you're 35+ and a natural born citizen of the US you can run for Presidency... but just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Another guy I don't quite get is Baldwin. It just seems like he is a little out of touch with reality when it comes to 100% of American businesses owned by Americans. Does anyone else see the problem here? Sure, it's a great idea, but come on now. I live in a very diverse part of the country, where there are a lot of people from other backgrounds, who are undoubtedly business owners. So we are going to take away their businesses from them? How many Americans are in the position to be able to make all their bills, let alone buy a business? I have a problem with someone saying this country is ONLY for Americans. Because if that is the case, we should ALL leave unless we're NATIVE American. How many of us can say "Yeah, I am American, with an English/Irish/Scottish/Dutch/Italian/Indian/Asian/African/Arabic/you get the point background". I know I wouldn't be here if that were the case. I can only assume his Doctrine is his best case scenario/ideal picture of what would happen in a perfect world. Today we are SO far from it that he would seem out of touch with reality if he thought he, or anyone else, can honestly accomplish that in four years.
While the Green Party has some good points, I disagree with their nonviolence value. Well, to be honest I actually DO agree with it, but I think it is ridiculous to try to accomplish in the world we live in today. When there are savages in other countries who want to kill us, we need to be able to stave off their attempts and put them in their place.

OK I think I am done now. I need to go back to sleep so I can work tonight. Blah.


cassdawn said...

i don't think the green party actually disagrees with your position - not the way i'm reading it anyway. i don't think they are saying violence is completely avoidable just that they would like to try other routes.

unfortunately i think you are in the intelligent minority that thinks these commercials are silly. i just got an email froma friend who owns a small business telling me that if obama is elected they are going to lose their business. just like that.

have you seen the video of the guy at the palin rally with a curious george doll with a sticker that says obama? and when john mccain tried to tell his audience that they should be respectful of obama - they actually booed him. they booed their own candidate for suggesting that they be respectful.

btw - congrats on the new job. i kept forgetting to post on that. when does it start?

Andrea said...

November 10, 9AM!!!!!
Can't wait!