Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Thursday, January 1, 2009



Last night was fun. A lot of us got together at Stevie's house and talked, hung out, played poker, and basically just made asses of ourselves. 1 1/2 bottles of champagne and about 6-7 jello shots later, oh yeah and a beer, and I am proud to say I did NOT wake up with a hangover! WOOHOO! I think I found the cure. Eat some chili and a sloppy Joe before bed and all should be well. Yes, I know I am lucky. This NYE was kinda, um... interesting for me. I looked at it as hopefully (!!!) the last time I celebrate the New Year without a child. I really REALLY hope to be a Mommy or at least a Mommy-to-be by this time next year.

2009 will hopefully be a great year. I feel bad saying it because 2008 sucked for SO MANY people, but it for the most part was good to me.
We got Harvey in January. Our one year wedding anniversary was in April and we went to Chicago to celebrate, which was awesome. My Mom and Aunt Sheila came over in May to visit for a week and a half and we went to Chicago again and it was SO much fun! Sadie had her first birthday, Aaron and I went to Universal Studios for a week in Orlando and had a great vacation together, I went to Virginia for a family wedding and saw my family whom I haven't seen since 1996 when my Grandpa died AND I got to see my friend Nicki that I haven't seen since 2004, I got to meet Cassie and Carl, who I have heard about for years and finally got to know them and they are really fun, Kim met Mark and fell in love and now they're blessing us with a new niece/nephew, I made new friends in Jessica and Damien and we have a lot of fun together, I got a new job that is awesome, we had a good Christmas and to top it all off, New Year's Eve went without a hitch. (Holy run-on sentence!!! My English teacher from middle school would have KILLED me for that. lol)
I know I am looking at the year with a glass half full attitude, because there are a lot of bad/sad things that happened too. We lost a friend way too soon, Dawn House on January 3rd. Aaron's Uncle Al died in January too. My great Aunt Julia passed away in May. So did his Grandma, Monica Houff. They will all be sorely missed. Also a lot of our friends lost their jobs, and a few went bankrupt. A couple of them even lost their homes due to the crap economy. It makes me feel bad to be happy for myself when so many people that we care about have passed or are suffering.
But I have hope for 2009... we will have a new President that will *hopefully* not fuck things up more than they are already. Aaron and I resolved to eat healthier, start working out again and quit smoking again. I have smoked a little recently, (unfortunately) because Aaron has been and I caved in and wanted a few. But I KNOW I HAVE to quit because we are really trying to get pregnant.

Oh yeah... speaking of which (caution: girly body period talk)... my Dr. put me on meds to make me have a period so I can get pregnant... and it came yesterday. And OH MY LORD did it. My body hasn't had a period since September and now it is PISSED. Oh the pain! This morning I was laying in bed with my arm around Aaron's side and got up because I realized I started digging my nails into his stomach a little bit because it hurt so bad. Poor guy, he shouldn't get clawed because I am in pain. It feels like my body is trying to get revenge on me for taking the pills. Like, OK, you want a period? Here ya go bitch! And yes, I know, one should not personify one's uterus. But I am sorry, it felt like the pain was coming from the depths of Hell. I was laying in bed thinking to myself hmmm... this pain is amazingly awful. What number would I score it? Meningitis was a 10 out of 10. That is the worst pain I have ever had so I compare all runners up to that. That is the only thing I have ever used a 10 for. Even when I ripped my effing toenail in half of the wheel of Kim's bed when she was in labor with Sadie that wasn't a 10. It was like a 6 or 7. I think I have a rather good pain threshold. The cramps this morning were a 6, more or less. They were as bad as running to a hospital bed with a puke bucket wearing flip flops and hitting your toe so hard that it ripped the nail in half and made the skin tear open and bleed. Good God. I am glad I have something to compare it to for those of you out there reading this who have never been "blessed" with a uterus.

OK, I am going to quit rambling on here and clean my house before my cousin gets here later today.

Hope you all have a great start for 2009!


I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

I am glad you are feeling a little better, though.

No mention of potential felonies at the party last night, eh? Smart girl.

Kate said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you and Aaron get all you want for in the upcoming year! All I want is for people to come out to Colorado to visit. hint....hint.... jk Miss you :)

kimberkara said...

I see nothing wrong with being grateful for a good year. Here's to more people doing the same in 2009!

Booya said...

I read that whole damn post and not one mention of ME! For same young lady, for shame!

So I got to get this whole Andrea, Kimber, Scooter, Melrose Place thing in perspective. So Scooter and Kimber are together and you are related to one of them, correct?

Damn, I am nosey.

Andrea said...

Haha Booya, you're not nosey. I try to fit other people together too.
Kim is my sister in law and very good friend. I married her brother Aaron in 2007.

And my apologies to you!
Here is an addendum to my last Blog:

And of course, one of the more monumental moments of 2008, joining where I have e-met Booya! His blogs and comments are inspirational, heart moving, and most of all laced with a little perversion... it has become intoxicating!!!

Better now? :)

Booya said...

You brought a tear to my eye. Or maybe it is the onions that I am cutting up. Either way, there was a tear!

Steve and Cat Walker said...

Yes-- that was a HUGE run-on sentence!! LOL (It's the teacher in me, sorry.)

Good luck with everything. I go Thursday for my appointment and I'll let you know what I find out. I hope it all goes well! I had the same thought this New Year... that hopefully this is the last one of just me and Steve and next year we'll have either a child of our own, or be expecting!!
