Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Blood work

I had my blood drawn yesterday in preparation for the big test this Thursday. My doctor is a U of M doctor, and I work for U of M, so I have access to my labs. Each one pops up one by one, and I look at the results. Fasting glucose was OK. 2 hour post prandial glucose was OK too. Good. FSH was OK, estradiol was higher than it should be for this time in the month, but I don't know what that means. SO for the most part, my workup is unremarkable, which is good. Then, my insulin comes back. Normal is 1-21. Mine was 56.6. Looks like I am insulin resistant. I'm not a doctor, so I am not sure, but that's definitely what it sounds like. And insulin resistance is a hallmark sign of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Well isn't that just fabulous.

On the bright side, I may be wrong. I may get another diagnosis on Thursday. I highly doubt it, but I could be wrong. But all the signs pretty much fit the bill. If the doctor says I do not have PCOS I may even go for a second opinion, it seems that unlikely for it to be something other that PCOS. And on the other bright side (is there one when you're about to be diagnosed with the number one reason for female infertility?) at least now I KNOW what the hell is going on. That is probably why I have gained 30-40 pounds in the last 2 years. That is why the skin on my arms looks different. That is why I do not have periods. Maybe now something can be done to fix it? Now maybe I can get pregnant??

Ugh. Who knows. I will put up another blog later in the week after I have my appt.


cassdawn said...

i have been really wanting to avoid offering you a bunch of platitudes. so i'll tell you this - i know so many people that have been in your situation that i assumed i wouldn't be able to get pregnant naturally or at least not until years of trying etc. and all those people have beautiful healthy children now. and they were all my age - which is to say the older you get the harder it gets. and yes, it is better to know what's going on.

btw - send me your regular email addy and i'll send you the info i got.

cassdawn said...

i just left a long comment that disappeared.

the short of it is that with the exception of myself and kim pretty much everyone i know has a story similar to yours. in fact it was so common i assumed getting pregnant would be close to impossible. and they all now have kids. and they're all much older than you.

that isn't to say this isn't difficult and i do feel for you about that just don't despair.

send me your email addy so i can send you previously promised info

sorry if this is choppy but i already said all this :)

cassdawn said...

oh!! i am such a dork!! i didn't see the first time that you had a filter on here. hahahahahhaha

kimberkara said...

I know what you mean - at least you know what's going on finally and then can start doing things to fix it. From what I have read you should be able to make great progress by following a diet and exercise routine paired with some drugs. Baby making time is right around the corner!