Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Yeah, I had one.
I am a shitty vegetarian. I actually almost cried last night when I made the decision to have one. I wasn't even hungry. But I NEEDED MEAT. I am not even kidding. It was a craving like I have never ever had before. I am blaming it on the period I am just getting over, the hangover from my party Saturday night and the nazi bastard trainer that kicked my ass at the gym Saturday afternoon. Yesterday I seriously couldn't walk up or down stairs. I had to scoot on my butt and crawl.
And today for dinner I had fish and chips. Yep, fish. I don't care. I HAD to have it. My body needed to eat meat. I think I am over it now. I think I can go a few weeks now without slipping up again. So I guess I am going to one of those vegetarians that slips up now and again. It sucks, I wish I could do it full force, but damnit I don't like tofu, and soy weirds me out. I will vow to only buy free range/cage free eggs, and never eat at KFC, and adopt all future pets, not purchase from pet stores, and buy from companies that don't test on animals whenever possible, and eat meat as little as possible. I will try as much as possible to be an animal friendly person as much as I can. But come on now, that cow, pig and fish that nourished my protein and iron deficient body last night and today were already dead. It's not my fault... right? Listen to the guilty vegetarian wannabe try to justify herself. :(
But I have to say, that burger and fish were SO good. I totally feel like shit, but man, it's worth it. There is something inside me that is satiated now. Agh.
You know how on vampire movies there is always one that is torn with his blood sucking ways, that tries to not feed off the blood of unsuspecting people, only to give in to it later because he has to? I can soooo relate to that. Ugh, I suck.


cassdawn said...

this is an 'i told you so' out of love. or more like a friendly reminder - don't beat yourself up over this. you are changing something that has gone hand in hand with your everyday life. i guarantee you would go through the same thing if you tried to stop eating bread. ask kim about trying to not drink coke and that isn't part of every meal.

be kind to yourself wouldya? :)

kimberkara said...

Think of how many animals you DIDNT eat so far. Even if you "slip" once a month you're making a difference.

Bacon is GUUUUUD.

I'm Scooter, but I might be a troll. said...

Look, we all suck. You are making a concerted effort to be easier on the earth and the animals that we share it with. You're working out, taking care of sick children, eating A LOT fewer animals... if more people were like you, our country would have so fewer problems.

Tracendo said...

We're at the top of the food chain for a reason- that's why you're craving it. I don't see wolves and bears all upset- so don't worry about it! I think it's commendable to stick to the ethical side of the meat industry!