Isabella Maria

Isabella Maria
Her 3 week pictures... such an angel!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Humor knows no language.

At my job now, a lot of my patient's primary language is Spanish. A lot of people speak some English, but you always run into the few people now and again who can't speak any at all. I really want to take a Spanish course, but have been told it may not be that helpful. The Spanish taught in most classes is Traditional/European Spanish, and what is usually spoken here is a mixture of Spanish and English. One of my co-workers Bennie called it "Tex-Mex", and said that she grew up speaking that but it someone talks to her in real Spanish she can't understand some of it. So... I guess I will just get some CD to learn Spanish and not devote a lot of time or money to it right now, since it may not be that big a help.
Anyway, there was a patient I talked to on the phone while I was training in the pre-operative department. This is how the conversation went.
Me- Hi, this is Andrea from Uvalde Memorial Hospital, I am calling to speak to Mrs. So-and-so regarding her procedure on December 3rd.
Patient- blahblahblahblahblah (for some reason I could hear her fine but couldn't make out what she was saying)
Me- I'm sorry can you please say that again?
Pt- blahblahblahblahblahblah
Me- What?
Pt- blahblahblahblahblahblah
Me- Habla Ingles? (or however you spell it...)
Pt- No.
Me- Oooooooooohhhhh... OK.....
We both start busting out laughing at this point. You probably had to be there, but it was hilarious.

So, this week I was working in pre and post op, so I got people ready for and (kinda) recovered them from their surgeries and procedures. I was told me next patient didn't speak any English. I didn't put two and two together.
So she comes in, and most of the stuff that needs to be discussed was done by Bennie (our Spanish, Tex-Mex speaking nurse, whose sister BTW makes the BEST TAMALES EVER.) and then I do the small stuff for her. I learn she can understand some English but can speak very little. Like, she can say "yes, no, it's OK", that about covers it.
I look at her wrist band to make sure it's correct, and ask "Su namo es?" (Remember I know very little Spanish so I probably butcher it, but this nice lady knows what I mean) and she says her name. Then I ask her for her birthdate and she says "blahblahblahblahblah". I continue to keep looking at the wrist band and say "Ooookaaaayyyy...." and again, peals of laughter. :)
I just think its so funny that you can not understand what the hell the person next to you is saying, but then humanity kicks in and you can laugh about it. She knew what I was asking, and I know what she was telling me, but neither of us really had an idea of what the actual words meant. It was just so funny. I know it's probably not to you and I am cool with that but I had to blog about it because it's funny to me! I guess that's all that matters! :)
In other news, my first OB appointment is this Wednesday. Aaron is leaving work early so he can go too in case theu do an ultrasound or listen for a heartbeat. He's such an excited Daddy-to-be... and it's the best feeling ever. :D
Every night when we're laying in bed we say good night to each other, and then I tell him the (insert the name of the small thing the same size of the baby is) here loves him, and he always says he loves it back. :) First it was a poppy seed, then an orange seed, and now we're up to a blueberry! It's crown to rump legnth is 7-9mm.! I put 7 and then 9 dimes in a stack to see how big my baby is now, and it's about the size of my fingernail. Awww!!! I can't freaking wait to meet my little blueberry! :)
OK enough for now. Have a good weekend.

1 comment:

kimberkara said...

The language issues sound pretty funny to me too. Make sure you get a pic on Wed and scan it so we can see it!